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2019 換版ExchangingTexture

2019是換版舉辦第三屆,Texture 版畫⼯作室抱持著聖誕節的交換禮物般的⼼情,每兩年舉辦一次『換版EXCHANGING TEXTURE』給來自世界各地的版畫家。藉由交換計畫,讓來自世界各地的版畫創作者互相交流。身為創作者的我們,樂於分享自⼰的創作給相同的愛好者,也希望能把這分喜悅分享給全世界。

2019換版,台灣、義大利、日本、澳洲、瑞士、韓國、加拿大、美國、菲律賓共9國參與,國內35件,國外21件,總件數為 56 件 。這次的展覽與上一屆聯合展出,2017年總件數為46件,兩屆合併共102件。本次共三場展覽,台北岩筆模、台中文華高中、台南Eorr22(鼴鼠)。

第一場展覽在 台灣第一個版畫藝術的綜合平台

『岩筆模mbmore』// 4/26 - 5/26// 【開幕】4/28 3pm

OPEN TIME: 11:00-19:00 週一公休(Closed on Monday)

地址:10343 台北市大同區南京西路275號1樓


【講座Lecture】5/4 1:00-2:00 pm|$100 /人 | 限20人 |

《15世紀到20世紀的西班牙版畫藝術─從藝術史和視覺文化談起 Printmaking in Spain (XV-XX Centuries): Some Major Examples From Our Art History And Visual Culture》

主講人:María Carrillo Fernández(馬德里康普頓斯大學藝術史博士候選人)




This presentation shows a general view of printmaking in Spain, from its beginning in the fifteenth century to the twentieth century. Major examples will be projected on a screen and commented on, taking into account masterpieces by wellknown artists (like Goya or Picasso) as well as less known pieces (like illustrations in old books), relevant to undertand the Spanish visual culture. Besides, some considerations about Spain –about its history, its art and its culture– will be made, always in relation to the prints showed. Furthermore, if the narration allows it, connections and comparisons with Taiwan will be established. Our countries differ in many ways but, to my mind, we have a few key things in common.

* 座位有限,敬請預先至岩筆模報名 *


| 5/4 3:00-6:00pm|$450 /人 | 限15人 |

主講人:吳佩璇 (Texture工作室負責人)



* 座位有限,敬請預先至岩筆模報名 *



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